In-House Hire vs. Outsourcing Design and Development: Making The Right Choice

The decision to handle design and development tasks in-house or outsource them is a critical choice that can significantly impact the success of a project. Understanding the fundamental differences in the two can help you make informed decisions tailored to your specific goals and needs.  We’ve compiled the pros and cons of each and broken down the financial implications of building in-house teams vs. finding the right partner.

What are the main factors to consider?

The choice between an in-house team and an external partner is dependent on a number of factors, like desired expertise, budget, project complexity, flexibility, and timelines.  The right choice may even be a combination of the two as each options can offer benefits depending on the end goals.

Expertise / Skill Set: Understanding a teams strengths and weaknesses is critical to the success of any project or business. There’s no secret that needs change and sometimes those needs are seasonal or temporary. In-house teams can suit projects requiring a deep understanding of the company’s domain over a long period of time, while using an outside partner is advantageous for tapping into a more diverse team that may allow for faster execution and a wider breadth of knowledge.  With the right partner, you can build a relationship that gives you access to a large, dedicated team for a fraction of the cost.

Budget: With that being say, we all know budget constraints play a significant role. In-house teams are generally accompanied by fixed costs like salaries, benefits, additional infrastructure, and support while a create-as-a-service partner can offer much needed flexibility. This could allow you to scale resources based on your project needs and potentially save you tons of money on operational expenses.

Flexibility and Scalability: A lot of folks we work with find the value in being able to test out new ideas and move forward efficiently with what works. Sometimes new ideas require skills in different disciplines and a process that allows for quick pivots. The right in-house has no problem taking care of business however, for smaller teams or quickly growing teams, the right partner can provide easy resource adjustments without the challenges of hiring and training.

Timelines: Urgency and following project timelines are critical and having the right team in place is essential to meeting them. While an in-house team can adjust quickly with immediate supervision, it’s required they know how to execute.  In the cases they don’t, timelines get extended. Working with a dedicated partner to replace or support the design and/or marketing team can expedite delivery by leveraging existing expertise and resources to meet tight deadlines.

What are the pros and cons of in-house design and development teams?

Let’s start with in-house design and development teams. What do we mean when we say that? For our purposes, “in-house design and development teams” involves recruiting and maintaining a dedicated team of professionals within you company to handle the creation and development of various print and digital assets used to market and grow your business. Historically, this has seemed like the “responsible” choice, however, with advancements in technology and how we work, new possibilities exist for how best to access resources. So what are the pros and cons of building an in-house team?


1. Direct Control:

One of the perceived advantages of in-house teams is the direct control and oversight that you could maintain over their projects. This could allow for real-time collaboration, faster decision-making, and immediate adjustments based on evolving requirements and the skill of the team.

2. Alignment with Company Values:

In-house teams are more likely to be engulfed in the company’s values, long-term objectives, and broader business goals if there is a solid team culture.  If done effectively, this can result in quick turnarounds and consistent results.


1. Higher Costs:

Maintaining an in-house team can be costlier due to salaries, benefits, software, and training. Small or mid-size businesses could find it challenging to allocate resources for specialized roles. Internal hiring can get even more costly when considering being able to retain talent once you’ve hired them.

2. Limited Expertise:

Hiring and retaining top talent can be competitive and expensive. On the other side, getting rid of underperforming hires can be a hassle and finding their replacement doesn’t happen over night. Once you’ve built your team and things are running smoothly, what do you do when those hires stop looking to push the limits and offer fresh perspectives and new ideas to keep you on top?

3. Resource Constraints:

Depending on the structure, in-house teams could face resource constraints during peak workloads or when projects require specialized skills that the team lacks. This can result in delays and compromises on project results.

The real cost of recruiting, training, and retaining creative talent...

Total cost = $188,000 per year

What are the pros and cons of a design and development partner?

We’ve talked to a lot of different folks and outsourcing design and development to a versatile and trusted partner has been a newer concept that our clients with growing teams have embraced. When we hear the term “outsource”, we may immediately associate that with shipping your work oversees. While that might be the case for some, for our team here at Expedition, we know first hand what that can mean for quality. Outsourcing your design and development with Expedition means accessing a team of dedicated creatives that you have a direct line of communication with. We’ve compiled a list of the most common pros and cons to help you decide if outsourcing design and development sounds like a viable option for you.


1. Cost Efficiency:

Outsourcing is often associated with cost savings and we’ve built subscriptions that ensure that’s the case. In order for a business to hire in-house, there are a number of factors to take into account, including salary expectations, software licenses, and recruiting costs. Creative-as-a-Service subscriptions offer a more affordable way to access design, development, and project coordination services under one roof for a upfront and transparent cost.

2. Access to Multiple Skill Sets:

Finding the right partner allows you to access a diverse range of specialized skills that may not be available in-house. This is particularly advantageous for projects with unique requirements or tight deadlines. Unlike most, we don’t separate design and development which allows you to quickly move from print tasks, the digital design, to development and launch all with the same vendor. Finding a partner with expertise in all aspects of the creative process allows you to focus on your business and leave the execution to the experts. An integrated approach to design and development services from on agency offers numerous benefits including more efficient communication, faster turnaround times, and a better overall end product. 

3. Flexible & Scalable:

Creative-as-a-Service subscriptions provide scalability which allows you to quickly adapt to changing project demands. Our teams and packages can be scaled up or down based on project requirements, offering flexibility that in-house teams may struggle to match.

4. Quick Turnarounds: 

Realistic project timelines are set with the expectations of both teams to ensure high quality work is delivered. Our dedicated team of designers and developers can work with you directly to develop a plan of attack and quickly execute rather than forcing you to juggle multiple projects and team members internally.


1. Communication Challenges:

Working with external teams could introduce communication challenges since the team may not be in your office with you every day. Effective communication becomes crucial to overcoming these obstacles. With every Creative-as-a-Service subscription we establish bi-weekly calls to ensure open lines of communication with the team working on your projects and we share a board of all the tasks we have working together.  No submission form or secret team.  You talk directly to the designers and developers doing the work.

2. Risk of Misalignment:

Effective and open communication allows us to mitigate the risk of misalignment. Outsourced teams may not fully grasp the intricacies of your company’s culture, values, or long-term objectives. This can lead to a potential disconnect between the external team and the overarching business strategy. If you feel like this may be the case, we’ve developed workshops that allow our team to ask the right questions to understand your business on a deeper level.  These workshops have been an essential part of our web design process and have allowed us to get the best results possible for our clients.

Access affordable design & development services with a Creative-as-a-Service subscription.

Gain access to a multidisciplinary creative team, consistency across all creative requests, streamlined communication and project management, and the ability to scale resources as needed for a fraction of the cost of recruiting, hiring, managing, and retaining an in-house team with our Creative-as-a-Service packages.

How do I make the right choice?

The decision between in-house and outsourcing models depends on a variety of factors as we’ve mentioned: project complexity, budget constraints, and desired expertise. While both approaches have their pros and cons, finding a partner has been increasingly favored for its flexibility, cost-efficiency, and access to specialized skills for growing companies.

Ultimately, success lies in understanding the unique needs of the project at hand and making a strategic decision that aligns with the broader objectives of the business. Whether opting for in-house expertise or outsourcing to external teams, a well-informed decision is key to achieving results in the fast-paced grind of marketing your business and increasing revenue. 

If your business, is considering outsourcing creative, design, or development projects, we’d be happy to chat and answer any questions. We are a team of designers and developers with expertise ranging from brand development to web design. We become an extension of your team and provide end-to-end design and development support.

Every great idea starts with a conversation — and we want to have it. Schedule a call today, and we’d be happy to see if our team is the right fit.

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Is it better to hire a full-time designer or outsource design work?

Your need for a full-time designer is usually determined by the following: budget, workload, capability, and flexibility.

Outsourcing your work through a  Creative-as-a-Service subscription allows for a holistic approach to constant, temporary, or seasonal creative requests by providing access to a multidisciplinary creative team and eliminating the need and cost associated with hiring multiple in-house employees.

On top of the benefits mentioned above, we offer two subscription tiers that include development services and feature very competitive hourly rates and access to multidisciplinary designer/developers that can always implement their quality designs on one our supported CMS platforms.

By working with Expedition, you gain access to a team of skilled professionals who can handle your project efficiently. Our team has worked with a wide range of clients and knows how to execute an idea without sacrificing quality. Additionally, outsourcing allows you to focus on your core business while we handle the execution, which can reduce the overall time and effort required to complete your project.

Outsourcing design services can be a great way to save money in the long run. While it may seem more expensive to hire an outside company at first, you’ll save money on salaries, benefits, and training costs in the long run. Additionally, outsourcing gives you access to more talent for a fraction of the cost. Instead of hiring a designer, developer, and project coordinator, you can access all 3 for one price.  Ultimately, this leads to better design work and more efficient use of your time. Working with an outside partner also allows you to scale a team quickly and easily based on your needs.

Picture of Riley Best
Riley Best
Riley is a Digital Designer at Expedition who specializes in branding, graphic design, and digital marketing projects. Her sharp attention to detail and eye for unique visuals help her craft captivating stories for our clients.
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